pcf file, I only had to make one configuration change.

As I mentioned to others on the list, try playing with the PFS setting or enabling the cisco-udp NAT-T option. If it gets to the ‘tunnel enabled’ point, that means you completed phase1, Xauth and modecfg negotiations. The key piece of information I needed was this: The developer has a mailing list, as you saw with one of my links above. Hopefully for some of you, it worked first time for you when you imported the. I think I am about going to email the developer, but I sure don’t want to bug him. – There is not really any clear failure reason for a user. I had to right-click on the “Trace Utility” shortcut and choose “Run as administrator” then I was able to turn on debugging. There is a program under Start | All Programs | Shrew Soft VPN Client called “Trace Utility” that is installed with the Shrew Soft VPN Client can be used for debugging. Now I just have to figure out how to configure it to connect here at work.Īll right I am back again and I am trying to debug. Horray!!!Īfter installing, I tested undocking my laptop from its docking station and then docking my laptop, and again, no blue screens, so I think it is good to go. I installed it and it requested a reboot so I rebooted, and the first good news is that I didn’t blue screen when my workstation booted up. Actually they now have a release version on their download site but there is a beta of the next version (Update ) 2.1.6-beta-6 that your may want to use (or a later version if you are reading this well after I wrote or updated it). However they have a new version that is out that is for Windows 7 64 bit. I came across ShrewSoft’s VPN Client a while ago, but it originally blue screened my Windows 7 box, but it was a version that didn’t support Windows 7. ( UPDATE: I got ShrewSoft’s VPN Client working, so keep reading down below.) So I went in search of another VPN solution that would be more compatible. Ok, so I couldn’t get Cisco’s VPN client to work for Windows 7 64 bit.