In addition, ushanka-like hats with flexible earflaps have been used in the colder regions of Russia, Germany, and Scandinavia for centuries. While the modern Russian hat ( ushanka hat) was first widely developed and used in Russia during the 20th century, it has roots that trace as far back as the ancient Scythians, who dominated the Eurasian Steppes from around 7th Century BCE to 4th Century CE. Orenburg downy wool hats w/Pompon and scarves.Military and armed forces Russian hats (great for gift giving too).Pick the one that is right for you! We have: What do you feel like wearing today? Russian winter hat comes in many styles and colors. As its popularity has led to a prevalence of cheap knock-offs, St-Petersburg GTH has stepped in to offer authentic Russian winter hats. The Russian hat has expanded from its origins as warm functional headgear to a state of being a cultural icon and emerging fashion trend.