Garbled or distorted text appears when opening PDFs created from Chrome Page turns blue when taking a measurement AutoCAD PDFs don’t contain searchable text AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT: Bluebeam PDF printer doesn’t appear in the printer list Revu creates a blank PDF from AutoCAD Revu Sets: backward compatibility Can’t make custom columns or statuses in a Session Digital Signature error: “Signature cannot be created, certificate has been revoked” Characters change or disappear when I stop editing a markup Cursor and markups move unexpectedly Customized profiles don’t import with the same settings on another system Document pans unexpectedly when moving the mouse Editing a flattened PDF prevents markups from being unflattened Enabling debugging messages Error: “The license file could not be found …” Error: “Your font cache is corrupt, rebuilding now.” Error: “File is locked by another user. Do you need help with Revu? Follow our troubleshooting solutions for issues you might encounter when using the software.