Here is a table summarizing all available command-line options based on the version of ESX(i) you are running:Įsxcli software vib update −−depot=/vmfs/volumes// Note: If you are using vSphere Hypervisor (Free ESXi), you will not be able to leverage any of the the remote CLI’s but you can still use the local CLI. InstallVMHostPatch – Remote utility using PowerCLI to manage/install patches for ESX(i) 4.0 and 4.1.ESXCLI – Remote utility to manage/install patches for ESXi 5.0 (patch capability introduced in vSphere 5 for ESXi 5.0 hosts only).vihostupdate – Remote utility to manage/install patches for ESX(i) 4.0 & 4.1.vihostupdate35 – Remote utility to manage/install patches for ESXi 3.5.ESXCLI – Local utility found on ESXi 5.0 hosts that can be used manage/install patches.esxupdate – Local utility found on classic ESX hosts to manage/install patches.However, it is still possible to patch/upgrade your ESX(i) host using the command-line without the need of VUM, but you will have to manually identify the patch dependencies and ensure host compliance.ĭepending on the version of ESX or ESXi you are running, you may have several options that could include local and/or remote command-line utilities that are available in following four forms: An example of this could be 1-2 hosts running at a ROBO (remote office/branch office) site or single test/dev host in a home or office lab where VUM is not available. Though not all environments have the luxury of running vCenter Server to manage their ESX(i) hosts.

Technical Marketing EngineerĪs you know, when it comes to automating patch management for your vSphere infrastructure, we highly recommend leveraging our vSphere Update Manager (VUM) which is part of the vSphere vCenter Suite to help simplify the update process.